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Gold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem Blessing For Sale

 Gold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem Blessing
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Gold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem Blessing:

Gold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem BlessingOurGold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem BlessingመስቀልwasCraftedfromHigh Quality Metal (Alloys).We aLocal Shopnear toCalvary-GolgothainJerusalem,Holy Land.
OurDouble-Sided,Gold Hand Cross Coptic Orthodox Ethiopian Ancient Priesthood Jerusalem BlessingመስቀልisGracefully DesignedinAccordancewithOneof theMany Lalibela Styles- Decorative Inlay (BOTH SIDESARE DECORATED EQUALLY), Main PlateInscribedwith'JERUSALEM'at theBase&Additional Smaller Crosses;aSerpentine Loopat theBaseof theMain Plate - RepresentingtheCrossthatMoses Erected,thePost-Handle& theTabot(ታቦት)at theBaseof theHandle - RepresentingtheArk, the Word of God (the Gospels).
OurLalibela-Style Hand CrossisVery Attractive,Sturdyand wasStoredinJerusalem,near theEntranceof theChurchof theHoly Sepulcher (Golgotha). It isApproximately8¾" x 3¼" / 3.1oz.Dueto theNature&Finishof theThis Cross,Itmay haveInherent ResolutionsvsActual Item.Please VerifySize,Materials&Compatibility PriortoPurchase- Thank You.

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